ត្រកួន / Water spinach (Ipomoea Aquatica) 50°F

ត្រកួន (Ipomoea Aquatica). Also know as Water Spinach,  Ching/Pak Quat, Rau Muong. Propagating some store-bought vegetable cutting.
In Khmer cooking,  it is one of the most versatile veggies.  It serves us well. From Stew to Veggie platter,  and everything in between. 

In my experience,  there are two different types. A Brownish-red stems is a wild variety that has a creeping habits, is found and growing wild in fresh waterways and in rice paddy field in a similar manner as Limnophila aromatica. This variety will not do well on land... as it likes flooded habitats.  This could be the reason why it is not commercially cultivated.  
In the West,  the green stem variety is commonly found and sold,  as it can be easily cultivated on land with regular watering schedule. It has an erected growth habit.  The two tastes different. The Wild-brownish-red stems has more like concentrated taste whereas the Cultivated-Green stems has a mildly diluted taste.
  • A native to Cambodia. 
  • A semi-aquatic plant that is a perennial in a tropical and subtropical climate. 
  • Ideal  temperature  is 70-85°F, and humid.  Can tolerate  50°F but not below. 
  • % daily value: Vitamin A 70%, C 51% per 56g.

ត្រកួនស្រែ is a wild variety.


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