ដំឡូងមី or Cassava (Manihot Esculenta)

A Budget-friendly gardening. I bought a bundle of cassava
leave for cooking and save the stalks for propagation.  It's mostly young shoots and stems.  Normally,  you'd propagate cutting of mature woody cutting. But we'll see if it take roots. Wish me luck.

The Khmers harvest all parts of cassava. Stalks cut to size and replant. Chewy mature leaves is cooked and feed the pigs. Tender leaves is used in a selective of khmer soup, or  blanched and used as wraps in dipping sauce "Khmer Pesto".  The Khmers commonly use cassava tubers in its unprocessed form. Tubers is   peeled  and steamed,  or baked  whole directly in hot ash/Amber, eaten as snacks. Used in dessert dishes, dice or shred.

  • A native to Cambodia. 
  • A perennial in tropical climate . 
  • Propagation is done with cutting of woody or mature stalks. It's an easy to grow with very little effort. 
  • It's drought tolerant. It was one of our stables food source during wars and famine time, as it was commonly found growing uncared for in the deep jungle of Cambodia. 

The Khmers harvest and used all of cassava. 


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