ស្លឹកងុប or Star Gooseberry (Sauropus Androgynus)

(Sauropus Androgynus) or ស្លឹកងុប can be propagated by cutting or seeds. Also known as Sweet Leaf,  Katuk, and Star Gooseberry. It is an essential accent  ingredient in some traditional Khmer cooking. Used in Soups, stir fry,  or a quick blanched used for side dish in dipping sauce/pastes (Khmer Pesto). 
  • A native to Cambodia.  It is a South East Asian indigenous food source. 
  • A perennial in a tropical, but tender subtropical climate.  It's sensitive to frost. Need protection from frost, and afternoons sun here at USDA zone 9b. 
  • It's an erected shrubs. It's a flaccid and have cylindrical branches. It bears male and flowers.  
  • Aeration and pruning regularly to encourage new roots and shoots. 
  • Sauropus Androgynus is rich in vitamin A & E, providing more than 100% of the daily value per 100 g serving. It's also a source of minerals. 

3 weeks germination


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