Bryophyllum-Kalanchoe pinnatum or ប្រទាលក្រុងសំរិទ្ធ

Bryophyllum-Kalanchoe pinnatum or ប្រទាលក្រុងសំរិទ្ធ. It's a perennial plant. I bought it accident and I called it my "Anti Everything" plant. 
It is known as Miracle Leaf plant,  Air plant,  Cathedral bells, and  Life plant.  It's a succulent and is easy to grow. It's as easy as breaking a leave and shuft it in the grown and it will grow. See link below for more information its antioxidant properties. 

  • Antineoplastic, Anti-asthmatic, Antitussive, Antidiabetic, Antihypertensive, Antimicrobial, Aanti-inflammatory, Analgesic, and Antiulcer.


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