(50°F) ដើមស្នោ, ផ្កាស្នោរ (Sesbania Bispinosa)

Sesbania bispinosa or ដើមស្នោ, ផ្កាស្នោរ. Khmers harvest tender leaves,  shoots and flowers for traditional Khmer cooking.  It is used in stir fry,   Soups,  a quick blanched or  fresh used as wraps in dipping.  Tender shoots and flowers is commonly used in pickling/brined.  
Flowers  is commonly serve as fresh toppings in a Khmer noodle soup.   

  • A native to Cambodia.  
  • An annual in a tropical and subtropical climate, minimum temperature(50 °F). It reseed itself.
  • An erected lengthy soft wood shrubs, with sparse open loose branches. 
  • It's bears clusters of yellow flowers. 
  • Commonly found in rice paddy field and along fresh waterways.
  • Although it thrive in wetlands but it can be drought tolerant, and easily adapted to other soil conditions. 





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