Cleome Gynandra or មមាញ

Cleome Gynandra or មមាញ, in Khmer.  The Khmers harvest tender leaves, flowers and shoots for consumption. It is mostly consumed in a pickled form use alongside grilled meat of your choice, a quick blanched as wrap for dipping  as a side dish,  or as an ascent veggies in stew.

  • A native to Cambodia. A tropical and subtropical Perennial.  Plants reseed itself under a suitable condition
  •  Sow seeds once temperatures 60°F and above. This wild edible thrive in hot weather.  It cannot olerate if temperatures drop below 50°F
  • 40 days maturity. 
  • It's an erected shrubs, grow to about 3ft. height and width.  
  • All parts of  plant is hairy, and somewhat statically sticky. 
  • Plant is mildly bitter taste, with distinctive mustard scent.
  •  Contained protein, carbohydrates, and is high in vitamins A and C, calcium, phosphorus and iron.



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