
Showing posts from July, 2022

ដើមអង្កាញ់, Cassod / Kassod tree(Senna siamea)

 ដើមអង្កាញ់ (Senna siamea) commonly called Siamese cassia, Kassod / Cassod tree. Cassod treeis a legume in the subfamily Caesalpinioideae.  Flowers, tender leaves, shoots, and tender fruits is harvested for consumption. The Khmers used it in Green Curry Stew "Sum-Law K'Tiss", or a quick blanched serves  with dipping sauce (Khmer Pesto). Flowers is commonly pickled. It is a commonly used in traditional Khmer cooking in the rural countryside.  A native to Cambodia. An indigenous food crop growing uncared for. A perennial in a tropical and subtropical climate.  It's susceptible to cold and frost...

Canna Pretoria

 Canna Pretoria 'Variegated'. 

សាគូ / Arrowroot (Maranta Arundinacea)

 សាគូ / Arrowroot (Maranta Arundinacea)  

(Dioscorea Cayenensis) Yellow Jamaican yam

(Dioscorea Cayennensis Lam) locally called Yellow guinea yam, Yellow Jamaican yam. D. cayenensis must go through a detoxification process before eating.  D. Cayennensis Lam is a sub specie of D. Rotundata.  credit Google image