(Alternanthera philoxeroides) Alligatorweed

(Alternanthera philoxeroides) commonly called Alligatorweed, Indian Ponnanganni Keerai, Ponnaganti Koora, Honnagone. A rare find in the USA. 

It might be a noxious weeds to the Western culture but it's a culinary plant in my Kitchen. Tender shoots is harvested and eaten as vegetables. Mostly done in traditional ddishes. It is both culinary and medicinal plant. And is sparingly use  in Asia,  India,  and other part of the world. 

  • This tropical edible is hardy  in a Mediterranean climate of USDA zone 9a.
  • Suitable for container or in-grounds planting. 
  • Thrive in wetlands. Full sun or partially shade.
  • https://www.nparks.gov.sg/florafaunaweb/flora/1/6/1656

(Alternanthera philoxeroides) Alligatorweed

(Alternanthera sessilis)
Ponnanganni Keerai / Garundi / Guroo / Honagone 


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