ដំឡូងជ្វា, Molokai/Stokes Purple Sweet Potatoes

ដំឡូងជ្វា ពណ៌ស្វាយ / Molokai is Asian variety of purple sweet potatoes well known and patented in 2006 as Stokes Purple. It is named after the county of North Carolina that it was first grown in the USA. A look at the colors of cooked and uncooked flesh and textures.  Purple sweet potatoes, grown for leafy greens while awaits for tubers to mature.

  • Unlike the common varieties being sold in big box grocery stores,  these are only sold at Asian and specialty markets.
  • Textures is a bit more dense, less moisture content, and starchy sticky. 

Cooked and uncooked side by side. 

Here's a side by side of two different types. Stokes left, Charleston Right.


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