Spiral ginger (CheiloCostus speciosus)

Spiral ginger, ត្រថុក (CheiloCostus speciosus).
A culinary /medicinal plant that is well-love among Asian communities. Serves as a table condiment in an herb platter as you please.  I grow green and red stem varieties.
  • In folks medicine, the leave and rhizome are use to treat cough, fever, painful urination, and cystitis. In China it is used to treat nephritis, edema, cirrhosis of the liver, ascites, urinary incontinence, urticaria. In India it is used to treat fever, skin diseases, and snakebites. And indonesia used to treat eye diseases. 
  • In addition, the rhizome of spiral ginger is also used as a medicine for clearing, tonic, filtering blood, treating asthma, treating cough, anti-fungal, laxative effect, eliminating worms. In industry, sugarcane is used as raw material to extract diosgenin to sell synthetic corticosteroids and contraceptives.
  • It has a sour, bitter, spicy, and cold taste. With the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, diuretic, emphysema, and anti-inflammatory. In some countries,  use to treat asthma,  diabetes, and arthritis. 




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