Goji Berry (Lycium Chinense)

Goji Berry or Wolfberry is the fruit of either Lycium Chinense or Lycium Barbarum. The two are closely related species of Boxthorn in the nightshade family,  Solanaceae. Lycium Chinense is grown in the southern part of China,  and  Lycium Barbarum is grown in northern part of China.
  • A hardy perennial in USDA zone 5-9. It's an edible shrubs. 
  • Goji Berry is an excellent choice for live fencing, bordering a property. New branches are easily break off for upkeep and pruning. 
  • Berries,  tender leaves and young shoots is harvest for consumption. 
  • Tender leave and shoots is an excellent substitute for Melientha Suavis/ស្លឹកព្រិច. Use in Khmer traditional Soups, Stews,  and Stir Fry.
  • It is rich with vitamin C and other nutrients



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