ប្រមាត់ដី, cây càng tôm (Glinus Oppositifolius)

(Glinus Oppositifolius) cây càng tôm,  ប្រមាត់ដី literally translated to "Earth-Bile". Also know as Sweetjuice.  The Khmers uses it in stew or a quick blanched as wraps in dipping sauce (Khmer Pesto).
  • A native to Cambodia. 
  • An Annual thrive in the summer season. 
  • It is found growing in different soils and conditions. Sandy, moist, and drought field 
  • It's a small sprawling bitter medicinal leafy green that grow flush to the ground. Whole plant is fuzzy and bitter. 
  • It's an all basal leaflets. Bears white or pinkish flowers. 


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