ស្អំ, Cha-Om, Climbing Wattle  (Senegalia Pennata)

ស្អំ / ស្អំតឿ / Cha-Om, Climbing Wattle,  (Senegalia Pennata). It is a much-loved vegetable among Cambodians, Thais, Laotians, and Hmong people. Young tender shoots is harvested and eaten in many different forms and dishes. Like blackberry, prickly scattered along branchlets and petioles. Therefore, it is difficult to harvest for use. This is one of the reason why it is highly priced and commonly used as an accent veggie in any given dishes.

ស្អំ, Cha-Om, has a distinctive scents. It could be an unpleasant scents for those who aren't accustomed to it. Like Durain,  one must have had an acquired taste to appreciate ស្អំ, Cha-Om.

  • ស្អំ/Cha-Om is an indigenous  wild food for khmers.
  • A native to Cambodia and other parts of Southeast Asia. 
  • A tropical big shrubs with fern like leafs. 
  • Flowers are cream-yellow.
  • Pods are flattened.


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