(Leucaena Leucocephala) កន្ធំធេត, Leadtree

(Leucaena Leucocephala), common name are ផ្លែក្ទម្ពទេស,​ ឬ កន្ធុមធេត, ឬ កន្ធំធេត, Leadtree, Kra thin, Guaje.
  • Pods are flattened. Seeds encapsulated horizontally arranged in the pods.
  • Tastes slightly astringent and bitter, with a slightly mustard odor. Seeds encapsulated with a translucent tasteless gelatin film, all edible.  Both,  young tender pods and shoots are edible raw or blanched. 
  • A perennial winter hardy in USDA zone 9a.

August 2023


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