ភ្លៅ​កង្កែប or (Oenanthe Sarmentosa/ O. Javanica)

Oenanthe Sarmentosa/ O. Javanica or ភ្លៅ​កង្កែប. Also know as Water Parsley,  Water Dropwort.  Surprisingly this Cambodia native plant also a native to the Pacific Northwest states as well. I grew up eating this veggie in Khmer dishes.
A Khmer culinary herbs. The Khmers primarily used it as a vegetable than it is herb. In sour Soups, Stir Fry or as  wraps with dipping sauce (Khmer Pesto).

DO NOT be mistaken it with its poisonous cousin,  Water Hemlock (Oenanthe Crotata).
  • A native to Cambodia, and the Pacific northwest states.
  • A perennial in tropical and subtropical climate. It's frost sensitive.
  • Like Rice Paddy herbs,  Water Parsley thrive in wetlands and spreading matting stolone below surfaces. 
  • Commonly found in fresh waterways. Prefer moist sandy soil. 
  • It's 


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